Saturday, 28 March 2015

Best way for couples to deal with impotence and frigidity

As with frigidity in the woman, so with impotence in the man- the treatment of non pathological impotence is greatly helped by a sensitive, understanding partner. His wife can help him pinpoint the cause of the impotence by the list given below:
...fear of conception
...over-sexed wife
...physical exhaustion
...over-concentration on his work
...a slovenly wife.
Between them they can try to remove the trouble. If they have studied and listened to each other over the years, the solution to this  impotence will soon reveal itself. However, even after long years of marriage without dialogue, it may not be too late to begin. They should learn to accept good humouredly their own and each others sexual limitations, and what naturally is easy, even if a bit slow at times. To look for more than what comes without strain is usually unreasonable. This demand on one's self is often caused by a feeling of inadequacy if one does not have sex as frequently as television and cinema suggests that it should take place. Some novels and the mass media would make any man feel impotent. They are quite removed from ordinary human experience. Unfortunately they have a great influence on married life today, causing some marriages to break down, because husband or wife feel they are missing some great experience if they do not relate as passionately as do the lovers of the cinema screen. Very often in real life, these same screen lovers have very unhappy married lives.
For impotence, rest is of great importance. Sad to say, it is sometimes the wife's impatience or unkind laughter that makes the husband try and try instead of taking the rest he so badly needs. The loving wife reassures him of her love for him, now more than ever. She encourages him to rest for a few hours, a few days or several days.
After some rest it is now the man who needs plenty of time from his wife for that gentleness, tenderness and play. Again, the emphasis at first should be on enough time for quite gentleness. Let them talk to each  other; the wife longs to know how she can help. His happiness is hers.
Perhaps it is not out of place to mention here sexual variety; it helps impotence. People should do what they feel like doing in a natural way and not to be tied down to old conventions. So many women are still quite unconscious of the power of their touch and of their husband's need of it. They shy and uncertain, but God has made them to be one flesh and so they should have no fear. When a woman is sensitive to her husband's response to her touch she can do so much to help him.
It should stressed that a slovenly wife can make any man impotent in exactly the same way as a slovenly man can cause frigidity and distaste in a woman. Both should strive to maintain their personal appearance and habits of hygiene for the sake of the other.
Once again, remember the value of a sense of humor, whether the trouble is her frigidity or his impotence. Smile and laugh and be open with each other.

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