Monday, 23 March 2015

You are what you eat

Some of the diseases plaguing man are due to either nutritional deficiency, or excess of one type of nutrient or the other in the body. “may your food be your medicine and may yoru medicine be yoru food” which was coined by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, suggests that our daily foods more than merely sustaining us contains some curative properties. Some nutrients in our body are agents that either cure or cause diseases in our body.
Good and balanced nutrition is synonymous to sound health, more especially if the nutrition is naturally – from plant sourecs. “The biblical statement that life comes fom tree” supports the scientific directions that human being should eat much fruits and vegetables for a healthy living. Unfortunately due to the present economic hardship people will often say “but fruits and vegetables are costly in the market”. Yes, this may be true but not all of them out there in the market are costly. This can be a reason for one to cultivate them in his/her house garden. Instead planting only flowers in your garden why not add some edible plants. They will add life to your health. An adage says prevention is better than cure.

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