Sunday, 1 November 2015

12 Most Evil People that the world has ever known

There always remain a proportion of good and bad in every aspect of this world. No one is 100% good, nor is anyone cent percent bad. But there surely are people who have a proportion of evilness, a little or much higher than that of their goodness, and vice versa is also true. The good people don’t intend on doing anything evil for the society, but the bad people sure do try to disrupt the normal working and thinking of the world.
Just like we see in movies, there is always a villain or a negative atmosphere, that restricts the hero or the lead actor to achieve his motives, which usually are for the betterment of the society or for himself, but in no way harms the society. That is the time when villain has to enter the scenario and ask for the disruption for their “Self Motives”. The real life is also equipped with such villains. Some of them were good at some point but the gradual frustration developed in their heads made them so evil that they lost hold of their mentality and started taking some extremely evil steps to destroy and demolish everything that came in their way. They say that Greed makes everyone evil, and at some point or the other, it was greed of power or other such things that made these people so evil that they made it to the list of Top 12 Most Evil People! The list includes the most famous of the most evil people.

12. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Maybe the loss of parents at a small age, or following their religion to a much more extent developed some harsh feelings inside this person, which gave him a non-human face. Losing the love of father at the age of 5 months, he was raised by his mother and aunt, who also couldn’t survive for much longer, and saw the harsh face of death when he was in his teens. He studied Islam religion by his heart, and was of the view that the political leader must be the religious head. So instead of intervening into politics, he started getting deep knowledge of his religion and within no time, he was the religious leader of Iran from 1979 to 1989. But during his reign, he did many evil deeds. He used to kill people who didn’t believe in “Allah”. People had to face brutality even if they listened to music. He was the culprit behiind the Iraninan revolution and also the Iran-Iraq war making him responsible for deaths of millions of people.

11. Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung was one of the dictators of North Korea. People fought wars, killed people and then enjoyed the throne but he did much more than that. Believed to be a hot headed cruel dictator, he was responsible for the Korean war which led to a death of more than 3 million people, he wasn’t just satisfied by it. After the war, he forced the political leaders and the captives into the concentration camps. Not only the political leaders, but anyone who committed even a single crime was forced to be there. He made sure that the person who committed that crime must rot in hell alongwith his family. Still he brainwashed people to follow him as an idol and worship him! The people of Korea didn’t get a sigh of relief even after his death as he was succeeded over by his son, who proved to be even worse than him.

10. Genghis Khan

Being the leader of Mongolia Empire, he conquered China during his reign. Another victim of seeing father’s death at a small age, his father kidnapped his mother and forced her into marriage. After 10 years of his life, his father was poisoned by the enemies. Gengis Khan grew up in deserts with his siblings and mother. He developed a violent behaviour and killed one of his brother on a minor dispute at a small age. During his reign, he used an extremely cruel methodology to kill people. He used to pour molten metal into the eyes of the prisoners, which caused an extremely painful death. He, alongwith his troops killed more than 30 million people.

09. Hirohito

Now comes a Japanese emperor in the list of the most evil people. He ruled Japan for a long time and had a good control of it. The only problem he had was he was a non-human personality. A cruel ruler, he led Japan into the World War. For some reason, he totally hated Chinese, Koreans and very much everyone who wasn’t a Jap. So he gave orders to kill them brutally, whosoever was in their captivity. He also led Japan into various wars causing a huge loss of men on both the fighting edges. Providing amenities to the people would have been a far fledged dream as he was persistent on leading to people’s death right away by methods like stabbing them, burning them.

08. Mao Zedong

People especially politicians, do promises and forget them. This guy took this thing much more seriously! Mao Zedong enjoyed the stature of being a dictator of China for over 3 decades, and not even once did he do something for the betterment of people. He promised of making China a superpower but instead made China suffer from the greatest tragedies in the history of humans. He used cruel methods of killing people and created such a fear in the hearts of people that people preferred committing suicide than facing him. Due to these reasons, more than 30 million people died during his reign, may it be due to famine or due top suicide or due to this dictator making them suffer and killing them.

07. Pol Pot

Pol Pot was the Prime Minister of Cambodia for a tenure. Instead of bringing reforms in the place, he turned Cambodia into a battlefield. He announced an official genocide and that too against his own country, killing a huge population. he made people evacuate cities forcibly and forced them into labour. People were seperated from their families. Proper nutrition conditions were not taken care of, and people died due to malnutrition. People were teased and tortured. Females were assaulted. He proved to be one of the worst Prime Minsters in the history of the world.

06. Saddam Hussein

This name needs no introduction. Another cruel dictator from the region of Iraq, he was responsible for announcing mass killing iin the form of chemical attacks. He also gave orders to torture people and filmed them in order to watch them at a later point of time. People were tortured in non-human forms and were left with lifelong disabilities or were forced to cross the path which led to death. In the last moments, Saddam Hussein became wanted, due to which, he had to live in a small basement for the purpose of hiding. His death was filmed and telecasted over the world.

05. Ivan

Popularly known as “Ivan The Terrible”, he was a Czar of Russia. He had a fond of torturing and killing right from his childhood, when he used to take pet animals tothe top of tall buildings and dropped them off. He began the terror of killing people as a teenager, and when he came into power, he lost control of himself and started seeing anyone and everyone as his enemies. He personally demanded to see the execution of people, which went as long as 20 hours, which would mean 20 hours of complete torture to the prisoner.

04. Osama Bin Laden

A person who was “Wanted – Dead or Alive” for as long as more than 2 decades was finally killed by the US Army when he was resting in his house at Abbottabad, Pakistan. Responsible for the famous 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre, he was responsible for the death of thousands of people in the modern century. Former leader of the terrorist organisation, Al-Qaeda, he set up various other bomb attacks at various regions around the world. He fought many fights with the army, and also remained a nomad for a long duration of his life.

03. Vlad Dracula

People might wonder why the word “Dracula” behind his name, but that pretty much explains the characteristics of Vlad. Being the Prince of Wallachia for 3 times, he was one of the most evil person since time immemorial. Having a non-human characteristic, he used impalmet for killing most of the people, in which, he used to insert a rod into the openings of a person’s body, may it be his abdomen or butts. The rod used to be long enough to impregnate through all the body organs and come out of the mouth. This led to total dis-functioning of the body parts. Sometimes people used to face a sudden death but quite often, they suffered unbearable pain for a few days and ultimately died. This is the reason why he was a dracula, having the literal meaning of a devil. He killed thousands of people in this manner and various other cruel methods.

02. Joseph Stalin

A person who began his life by a bank robbery and later became a dictator of the Soviet Union surely would have something in his mind. But who would have imagined that he would one day be responsible for the most evil deeds in the history of mankind. He in his 30 year reign, did nothing but invited violence, murders, tortures etc. He created a sense of fear among the population. He killed people who didn’t love them, but in addition, he also killed those who loved them, which usually used to be a rare quantity of people. Due to his actions, his wife committed suicide.

01. Adolf Hitler

A person who wanted to be an artist and ended up being the most cruel dictator in the world was the author of the famous ‘Mein Kampf”. The extremely famous and evil Adolf Hitler bags the number one position among the most evil persons the world had ever seen. Believe it or not,  but it was expected to see Hitler at number one rank. Who is not familiar with what went through in Germany between Nazis and Jews. Gassing of people, separating them from their families, killing them just because they didn’t belong to a particular caste, all this was what Hitler did. He killed anyone who spoke against his plans. He killed anyone who spoke ill to him. He killed anyone who spoke to him! That is what Hitler was. An extremely learned man, but greed and power, due to which, he got ruined.

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