Sunday, 10 May 2015

Five Most Annoying Words That Will Put Your Man Off.

While interacting with your hubby try and sprinkle a little compassion into your tone of voice. Avoid these five comments because they may destroy your man’s confidence
1. “What were you thinking?”
Your husband is not going to need some devaluing words when he comes back home and shares with you how a situation he handled at work backfired on him. He will be looking for empathy and support. You may be allowed to disagree with how your husband issues but if he doesn’t need your opinion, just keep off. Notwithstanding, if he demands for your opinion, then he is looking forward fir a problem solve, not to be taken as a loser or be taken worthless. Instead try something like this: “actually, if it were me, I perhaps would have said this_____.”
Try and keep it simple and plain.
2. “That’s all you did?”
Husbands read their wife’s mind perfectly every time. But this is not in reality. If your husband couldn’t perform what you expected from him perfectly that is if he is not up to the standard you are expecting from him, make your own assumption instead of vomiting your disappointment in his general direction. Your husbands accepted to arrange the kitchen cupboard while you go to the market. You come back home to see his definition of “arranging” is him putting the spoons in the fork rack and vice versa, and putting the pots on top of the cupboard instead of arranging them in the pot’s rack. In your mind, you are thinking a five-year-old could do a better job. However, you weren’t specific about what “arranging the cupboard” means to you. You should instead try this: “I really appreciate you offering to arrange this cupboard. I realize that I made a mistake by not being specific about where spoons should be kept and where the pots should be, so next time, I’ll be more specific. All the same, thanks for your help. It means so much to me that you actually did it.”
3. “Stop touching me!”
Geez! Maybe after stressful workday you’ve just had, child screaming, house chores and all that, and your hubby wants some sexy time, instead shaming him for asking or making him feel miserable, respond with a kiss or an embrace. You allowed to feel that way but try your best and respond as nice as you can. You can also say thus: “sweetie, I want to relieve myself from today’s stress so that I can really satisfy your needs.” He is not dumb; he will understand what you are trying to insinuate without you making him to feel a total rejection. Don’t use the excuse as a free hall pass for the week: both of you are still responsible for each other’s sexual relationship. Try and make out time and feel ready for sex and let him know when you are ready and willing.
4. “What’s wrong with you?”
Frankly, it’s comparable to cutting off his penis. You may say it jokingly, no harm done; but when you reply with this comment because your hubby didn’t remember to buy the baby’s diapers. I can guarantee you that he will never again accept or offer to buy the diaper again. Someone can express her feeling through attacking with words. If he forgot something you asked him to do; instead of being frustrated rather try this: “I know you didn’t meant to forget but when you forget what I demand from you to help me with, I usually feel like my needs don’t matter to you. Please try your best to remember next time.
5. “You are pathetic.”
Youch! This is not cool to say to anyone ladies. Do not use these words carelessly like a child will do when he feels angry, hurt or sad. Always mind your words. Your hubby may say something which sounds attacking or critical. Replying him the same way won’t solve anything. Be the adult and reply like this: “I feel hurt or sad when you talk to me in this manner. If there is anything I did and you feel angry or frustrated about it, then talk to me as your partner, stop pushing me against the wall with your words.
So reflect on these and mind the way you use certain words on your husband. Be an adult! Also be kind.

Good luck!

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